Culture Against Apartheid
(English Below)
アパルトヘイトに抗する文化 声明文
わたしたちは、culture against apartheid というチームをつくりました。
現在、ガザと西岸で起きている暴力はすさまじいもので、ガザには、すでに広島原爆ふたつ分に相当する火薬量が投下されました。判明しているだけで、死者は28,091人に達しています。そのすべての人に、心があり、人生がありました。 人間だけでなく、動物や植物たちも、空爆の火に焼かれました。
culture against apartheid は、パレスチナの大量虐殺と民族浄化を止め、この問題の根幹にある、あらゆるレイシズム、性差別、抑圧、アパルトヘイト体制に抗する『文化』をつくる試みです。
あなたの声が必要です。 どうか、あなたの声をかしてください。
Culture Against Apartheid Statement
Before his death in 2003, Edward Said urged us to remember Palestine, emphasizing in particular the importance of culture for its future.
Heeding his call, we, the undersigned writers, artists and culture workers, have formed a coalition called Culture Against Apartheid. We aim to create a new kind of culture, one which, following Svetlana Alexievich, affirms the little, nameless people of the world as its progenitors, rather than literary celebrities or artistic giants.
Yes, even the small, nameless diary which you have written in order to live is an essential component of culture. We believe that true culture begins when the oppressed — regular, ordinary people with no status or money — attempt to break free from their pain.
We call on the many artists and creatives in our society struggling under the weight of loneliness, who feel unable to express themselves freely, to consider themselves one of us.
For the past 75 years, Palestine has been subject to an ongoing genocide by the state of Israel -- ultimate proof that we in the 21st century have failed even now to overcome the violence of colonialism. The amount of bombing that has been inflicted on Gaza and the West Bank since October 7th is equivalent to double the force of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima during World War II. The death toll in Palestine has already exceeded 28,000—and those are only the confirmed deaths. Not just people but also animals and plants have been destroyed in the blazes of the bombs.
At present, people all over the world are doing everything within their power to stop the massacre in Gaza. And yet, we are swiftly approaching the complete expulsion of Palestinians from their land.
Culture Against Apartheid aims to stop the genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, as well as the racism, sexism, oppression, and apartheid from which it springs. Israeli forces are now attempting to destroy Palestinian culture and even history itself, which has been inherited through the land.
We know the reason why Palestinian poet Refaat Alareer was assassinated on December 7th: because his poetry and life contained the seeds for the regeneration of Palestine. We, the small people of the world, have an obligation to protect these seeds.
We need your voice. We ask you to stand with us.
We conclude, again with the words of Edward Said: We must attempt the impossible.